    Stonedoos - Montag 27 Oktober 2024

    Wie man Space Cakes macht: Einfaches Rezept für Einsteiger


    How are you able to enjoy the delicious and long-lasting effects of Space Cakes? Those who enjoy Cannabis Edibles can enjoy great pleasure and enjoyment without consuming it. In this article we said we would like to know how to make their own Space Cakes. The Vorteil des Selbermachens liegt nicht nur in der individualellen Anpassung, sondern auch in der Kontrolle über die Inhaltsstoffe und Dosierung.

    What are Space Cakes?

    Space Cakes are prepared with Cannabutter – a special Butter, which is infused with Cannabis. The results of the processing of the Space Cakes gradually become more intense and can continue for a longer period of time. It is important that you pay attention to your needs and are responsible for your consumption.

    Ready for Space Cakes

    If you own Space Cakes you can use them and follow them:

    • Cannabutter : The basis for the Space Cakes, which enthälts the Cannabinoid.
    • Sugar : For the sugar.
    • Mehl : Die Hauptzutat für die Teigbasis.
    • Kakaopulver : For the shockoladigen Geschmack.
    • Backpulver : Damit die Cakes.
    • Salz : Um den Geschmack zu verstärken.
    • Egg : For the bonding.
    • Optional Zutaten : Nüsse oder Schokoladenstückchen for zätzlichen Geschmack und Textur.

    Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Zubereitung

    1. Open to bid

    Heating time is 180 degrees Celsius before.

    2. Prepare backform

    Fetten Sie eine Backform (zB eine Kastenform) mit Wasser oder spoilt Sie Backpaper.

    3. Trockene und nasse Zutaten mischen

    In one large Schüssel the trockenen Zutaten (Mehl, Zucker, Kakaopulver, Backpulver und Salz) mix. In one separate Schüssel die nassen Zutaten (Cannabutter und Eier) gut verrühren. Fügen Sie die nassen Zutaten zu den trockenen Zutaten hinzu und mischen Sie alles zu eeninem glatten Teig.

    4. Teig in die Form gießen und backen

    Take the time to prepare the back form and return after 25-30 minutes, after which you can complete the process.

    5. Chill and serve

    Welding the space cakes after the backing in the form, ensures that they are restored and cut into pieces.

    Restore Cannabutter

    Um Cannabutter rezustellen, benötigen Sie Butter und Cannabisblüten. Schmelzen Sie die Butter in a Wasserbad und fügen Sie das zerkleinerte Cannabis hinzu. Welding is done with a small hit for 2-3 stunden köcheln, which can be regularly adjusted. Seihen Sie die Mischung durch een fine Sieb, om die Pflanzenreste zu entfernen. Read more about abkühlen and spoiled cannabutter. You can find it in my recipe.

    Dosierung und responsortungsbewusster Konsum

    Start with small portions, especially if you are new to the Space Cakes since. You react differently to THC, and it can last a while, with the effect being spürbard. Achten Sie auf mögliche Nebenwirkungen wie Schwindel oder Übelkeit and consumieren Sie verantwortungswusst.

    Rightful explanations

    In Germany, the Besitz und Konsum von Cannabis unter bestimmten Bedingungen legal, but the recovery and the purchase of Cannabis-Edibles is legal complex. Inform yourself about the current regulations and regulations, and be sure to inform yourself about the Space Cakes.

    Storage of Space Cakes

    To preserve the French Ihrer Space Cakes, they can be stored in an air-conditioned room with an easy kühlen, dunklen Ort. So you can enjoy more days of freshness and enjoyment.

    Be seated

    Space Cakes are easy to consume and easy to consume. With a single recipe you can use your space cakes to prepare them and customize them. Thinking, you are responsible for your consumption and that you take care of it. Try to find your own answers and share your experiences in the comments! Besuchen Sie auch unseren Shop für hichwertige Cannabisprodukte.


    A photorealistic cake infused with marijuana, set on a rustic wooden table. The cake has a smooth, rich chocolate exterior with a subtle hint of green within its moist interior, suggesting the infusion. A few decorative cannabis leaves rest on top of the cake, and a slice is cut to reveal the slightly green-tinged layers inside. The setting is warm and inviting, with soft natural light streaming in, emphasizing the rich details of the cake's texture and the delicate leaves.


    Try to find your own answers and share your experiences in the comments! Besuchen Sie unseren Shop für hichwertige Cannabisprodukte.


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